Monday 15 January 2024

16/01/2024 - Tuesday

Targets hoping to achieve:
- Attentively attend the lectures and lab. Understand what you could not in the class today itself. Complete the assignments/tasks (if given) today itself.
- Meet (or email, if not present) Adway Mitra to request him to enroll me in the teams group of 'Graphical and Generative Models for AI and ML'.
- Find some related research paper(s) in the found research domain and extract the significance. Read the research paper and build implementation logic to improve the model
- Watch 1st lecture of Internet-of-Things
- Complete 'Prefix and Partial Sums' from AlgoZenith
- Subscribe to tech channels which give you updates about the tech world
- Read 'Rework' for 30min
- Read 'David and Goliath' for 30min

Targets I achieved:
- Attentively attended the lectures and lab. Completed all the tasks and homeworks.
- Emailed Adway Mitra for the request to join the Teams.
- Subscribed to tech channels for updates on tech.

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