Tuesday 16 January 2024

17/01/2024 - Wednesday

 Targets hoping to achieve:
- Attentively attend the lecture and understand what you could not in the class. Complete the tasks if given.
Find some related research paper(s) in the found research domain and extract the significance. Read the research paper and build implementation logic to improve the model.
Build a fundamental idea of what you want to achieve with the MVP.
- Find a resource for Computer Vision and start studying, complete at least the introduction part.
- Complete 'Prefix and Partial Sums' from AlgoZenith.
- Read one research paper from 'AI and Ethics' journal.
- Read the first chapter of 'AI: A Modern Approach' to get an idea of what AI is, and what it potentially could be.
- Read 'Rework' before you sleep.

 Targets achieved:
- Attentively attended the lecture and understand what you could not in the class

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